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Why are case courses and case studies unique and useful?
Сase based courses and case-lessons use the unique 7W methodology that allows students to study interdisciplinary educational material together with simultaneous practice of such competencies as communication, teamwork, planning and organizing, creativity, accountability, continuous learning, and technological awareness.
The 7W methodology and the materials are designed on the principles of the interdisciplinary study of objects, phenomena and concepts in a combination of fundamental knowledge, practical examples and the application of this knowledge in practice.
Thanks to the compound perception and material processing, a unique result 7 in 1 is achieved: knowledge, understanding, practice, creative transformation, competence, motivation and pleasure!
Why and how should they be applied?
The case-lessons are very effective in learning foreign languages for students of any age. The educational material contains many practical examples, links and connections to real phenomena and events, which are close to real life. This makes the process of learning fascinating, interesting and practical.
Instead of typical textbooks for reading, retelling and discussion, use the case-lessons! You will get lively, interesting material that can be effectively used for reading, rehearsal and description, as well as for substantiating the participants' points of view, dialogues, questions-answers, discussion, independent and individual group works, inquiry and homework.
What is the result?
When learning a foreign language using “live" material, students are more motivated, involved and free to express themselves in the learning process.
In contrast to conventional methods the 7W one gives qualitative and effective results:
— 83% of students in foreign language courses believe that the case-lessons increase effectiveness of practical classes;
— 67% of teachers note that the use of the case-lessons are more effective than traditional methods of teaching foreign languages and increases motivation of both teachers and students;
— case-lessons provide the best results in speaking and group activities.
15 USD
Our nutrition affects our health, quality of life and mood. How should you develop your own nutrition system that fits all our requirements and is affordable? To be honest, this is not that easy. This is a real mastery and this is art!
15 USD
What is architecture? Is it just a part of the "external facade" of our world or art? Is it about forms or comfort? Is it about buildings or about ideas? What is it like to be an architect? How much does it cost to design and to build a building? What is modern architecture about? And how do professionals create a real architectural masterpiece?
What is the name of your cat? Or your neighbor's cat? Needless to say that cats are, probably, the most popular pets in the world. But what do we know about cats? What mysteries do these graceful creatures have?
15 USD
Why do we change our mood so frequently? Why it is so easy to control our mood? Can we control our mood? This case-lesson helps to learn about how to control our emotions and how to balance our mood.
15 USD
Have you ever thought about being a forester or a huntsman? What do you know about these occupations? Go through this case lesson to know more about it and to get an idea who is "the lord of the forest".
15 USD
Every day leaving home and returning back home, people use elevators. Have you ever thought about the meaning of the word "elevator"? And what do we mean speaking about "social elevators"?
15 USD
Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side
Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
("Rainbow connection", The Muppets)
What do we know about rainbows and what is still hidden?
It is impossible to imagine the modern world without credit cards. They are the main means of payments for goods and services. But is it the only knowledge about the credit cards? Indeed, there is more scientific knowledge and technology about the modern credit cards.
15 USD
How can a person build a business empire, having an idea, the talent and hunger for success? How can you develop these lifelong and not lose energy and faith in yourself? Henry Ford is an example. In this case-lesson you will find out a lot of interesting information about him, his inventions and how these innovations change the industries and the world.
Can you grow pearls in your garden? It really sounds ridiculous, but the modern technologies can make it possible in the near future. There is the tremendous variety of pearls, both natural and cultivated. They stand alone among other gemstones and beckon with their origins, history, qualities and beauty. With this case-lesson you will have a fascinating journey to the world of pearls!
15 USD
Think of wood - how many associations can arise! Trees, a forest, leaves, biosphere, jungles, boreal and mangrove forests, oxygen, fire, paper, furniture, ecology.... Our world cannot live and survive without the woods.
15 USD
How often do you laugh? How often do you cry? What may cause you to laugh or to cry? Let's try to discover more about it. How much science is hidden in every tear and every smile: science, history, psychology! Thanks to new knowledge and understanding, your life and your emotions will be more balanced and harmonious.
What is personal space? What is a sense of space? How do you develop a sense of space? What is a sense of place? Answers to all these questions you will find in this case-lesson.
15 USD
You probably know a lot about Australia. And you can know more about this wonderful continent with this case-lesson! Let's discover whether it is true or not, that: - Australia is the driest of any continent on earth other than Antarctica - There are three times as many sheep than people living in Australia - Australia has a larger population of camels than Egypt - Despite being a massive continent, 90% of Australia's population live on the coast
Modern cookery is not about just cooking. But what is it? It is all in one - an art, a science, a talent and a pleasure! Take this unique case-lesson and enjoy it as you do with the most exquisite cuisine!
Guess the size of the mountain made by the garbage produced by mankind throughout history! And now think about the fact that the contents of the modern landfills are not only dangerous, but also harm the environment for many years and are dangerous for the humans and nature. Today we sort and process the garbage. But is it enough to stop endangering our planet? How do we solve this problem? What are the keys to such a complex, multifaceted task?
15 USD
There is a master key to every lock in the house or office. But is there a universal key to all knowledge? This case-lesson helps you to find your own "key" and your own answers to these and other questions. Let's find out about a variety of keys to school curriculum subjects and other interesting knowledge!
Jeans were first designed as workwear for laborers on the farms and mines of America's Western states in the late 19th Century. How have they changed people's lives? How did jeans conquer the world? Why are they the most popular article of clothing? Let's try to answer these questions with our case-lesson "Jeans"!
Some people think that crocodiles descended from dinosaurs. Is it true? The crocodiles are scattered across more than 90 countries. Why is that? There are 23 species of crocodiles. What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? Let’s look on the crocodiles "family tree" that traces back to the Mesozoic epo¬ch and discover a lot of interesting knowledge on these extraordinary predators!
15 USD
Salt and sugar are well known products for everybody. Although, there are still so many common beliefs, questions, myths and stereotypes about them. Which of them are true and make sense and which are just misbeliefs? Let's try to understand and form our own points of view.
At all times people have always been interested in how they look. They consider their hair as one of the main elements of beauty and attractiveness. People also make a lot of experiments with their hairstyle: modern and unique. But how do you get your hair beautiful and healthy looking? How can you be creative and not harm your hair? How do you get your own unique style? Let’s reveal some secrets of our hair and its nature with this case lesson. We can also get some interesting tips and great ideas on hair styles.
Do you know any other day of the year that is full of legends and myths, like Christmas?! So many dreams, feelings and waiting for miracles are connected with Christmas Eve! Let's discover more about the Christmas history mysteries and legends! This case-lesson helps you to prepare for the celebrations with benefit and pleasure. You get interesting and useful information “bundled” with a good mood.
15 USD
What is friendship today? How many meanings have the words "like" and "friend" in the twenty-first century? Is there still a room for the traditional friendship and friends in our world? Can animals be friends? Try to discuss and find answers to these and other questions during this case-lesson.
Halloween is one of the funniest holidays in the world. It is widely known by its festive traditions, symbols and costumes. Let's get prepared for the celebration and learn about the coolest Halloween party traditions, DIY lifehacks and costumes.
15 USD
How do you call a person who commands, pilots, or serves as a crew member of a spacecraft? An astronaut! And do you know the origin of this word? It comes from two Greek words - «Aster" or «Astron" that means "a star", and "nautis" that means "a sailor". Thus, the word "astronaut" literally means "the one who sails among the stars". Take this case-lesson and find out a lot of interesting information about astronauts and how to become one of them!
15 USD
Why are bananas berries, but strawberries aren't? Are watermelons a berry? And what fruits are actually berries? Let's go to the interesting world of fruits and find colorful, juicy, delicious answers! Use this case-lesson as a guide on this trip!
Tractors, truck cranes, tow cars, dump trucks, excavators, bulldozers ... They are real "road monsters"! They are big and heavy, and sometimes even awkward. But real professionals can "tame" them and use them as perfect "working tools". These monsters can also inspire people for unbelievable artistic experiments. So, what miracles are they capable of? Let's answer this and many other questions in this case-lesson.
Who is the Android? The robot that looks like a human? If it is so, could it have emotions or empathize? This case-lesson can help students to answer these questions and deal with difficult but interesting issues.
15 USD
This case-lesson will help you to get a holistic view of the unique tectonic and volcanic processes from the point of view of science, gain an understanding of the interrelationship of geological, chemical, physical processes occurring on Earth and other planets.
15 USD
Think of wood - how many associations can arise! Trees, a forest, leaves, biosphere, jungles, boreal and mangrove forests, oxygen, fire, paper, furniture, ecology... Our world cannot live and survive without the woods.
"Mars needs YOU! In the future, Mars will need all kinds of explorers, farmers, surveyors, and teachers . . . but most of all YOU! Join us on the Journey to Mars as we explore with robots and send humans there one day ..." This is NASA's looking for the passionate enthusiasts who are ready to join its Mars exploration program! Have you heard about Elon Musk's program of Mars colonization? So, let's conduct our own journey to Mars and this case-lesson will help us to do it in a scientific way.
Antigravity is one of the most popular phenomenon in science fiction, but many scientists believe that antigravity isn't possible. Why do authors use gravity devices so often and why do scientists say it cannot be true? Let's try to clarify this and understand what is antigravity in our 7W® case-lesson!
15 USD
Digital photos, selfies, photoshop ... these reflect the world of modern photography. And, did you know that the first ever surviving permanent photograph was taken by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826? Since that time photography has become one of the indispensable elements of our life, allowing for capturing happy moments, sights, nature, people, and memories. Let's try to understand how the photographic works, and how to become a real photo-guru.
Chemistry of love. Is it about science or about mystery? Are there special “love agents" in our minds that make us feel love in our hearts? A poet, describing love, would probably say such words as soul, flower, spring, happiness, energy, dream... A scientist, describing love, would definitely mention Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Oxytoxin, Endorphine, Phenylethylamine... Who is right? Can there be only one answer? Let's discover it in the case-lesson "Chemistry of love"!
15 USD
Sometimes life can be compared to a chessboard where the players play their "own game". Some combinations are good, and the player succeeds. Another player may choose a wrong strategy or tactics and lose the game. So, how do you become a master in chess and use the game strategies in life? This case-lesson will help you to answer this difficult question and understand why chess skills are not just about chess.
15 USD
How does medication work? Why are some drugs freely sold, but others must have doctor's permission to be used? How do we use the medicine drugs to treat, or prevent disease, but not to harm our health? This lesson will help students to understand the information which is extremely important for their health and well-being.
15 USD
Are all the leaves unique? What can we learn "reading the leaves"? Can the leaves help us in studying languages, math, or inspire our creativity? Get some clue to this in our case-lesson "Leaf Riddles"
15 USD
The first ever light bulb was introduced about two centuries ago. Today the light bulb is an indispensable element of our life and comfort. Has the bulb changed since that time? What are the types and characteristics of modern light bulbs? And are they still actually bulbs? Let's take an interesting journey to the world of electric lights and illumination!
15 USD
New Year is one of the universal holidays in the world and it seems we know everything about it. But, are there still some secrets and unknown facts? Let's discover them in our case-lesson and get prepared to the celebration with some New Year life hacks!
What is an optical illusion and how does it work? Why do we experience the optical illusions? And, why can they be tricky yet fabulous? In this case-lesson we try to apply a systematic approach and effective methods of information analysis in order to understand the optical illusions' nature and mystery.
15 USD
There are billions of solar systems in the Milky Way galaxy and our solar system is just one of them. It is located in an outer spiral arm of the galaxy and consists of the Sun and the eight planets with their natural satellites, asteroids, comets, and other smaller bodies that orbit around them. The more intensive the research we conduct, the more new questions appear for the next generations of scientists and engineers. And this case-lesson can be the first step on your way to solving the astronomical riddles.
15 USD
The sky is blue, but the air is transparent. Why? And can you see "transparent" air? And weigh it? And how to draw it? How to "tame" the air? Is there anything lighter than air? Scientists use grown-up methods and technology to find answers to such children questions. And you will find these answers in our case lesson.
Can you imagine that ants came about 130 million years ago and now have more than 12,000 species all over the world? Did you know that an ant can lift 20 times its own body weight and can "talk" using chemicals? There are a lot of secrets and interesting facts about the ants. Let's discover them in our case-lesson!
15 USD
Everyone loves to solve mysteries! However, if these secrets are "useful", if their solution contains valuable and interesting knowledge in geography, science, history, mathematics – so, such privacy becomes a key not only of fun, but also of development. You can discover these secrets studying the case-lesson. At the same time, you will get many useful skills and competencies!
Toothaches are one of the most unpleasant feelings. What are common reasons of tooth pain? How can you get rid of your tooth pain and protect your teeth? Let's answer these questions and know more about our teeth, tooth enamel and oral hygiene that can prevent many types of dental pain. This case-lesson covers such subjects as anatomy and PSHE: It expands and complements them.
15 USD
Edward Jenner is considered the founder of vaccinology in the West in 1796, after he inoculated a 13 year-old-boy with a vaccine virus (cowpox), and demonstrated immunity to smallpox. In 1798, the first smallpox vaccine was developed. Over the 18th and 19th centuries, systematic implementation of mass smallpox immunization culminated in its global eradication in 1979. Although the vaccination has been used for more than a century, the question is still ambiguous. There are many prejudices and myths about it.
15 USD
Energy is a basis of our life. And the more technologically advanced we are, the more energy we need to support our current and future lifehoods. But, where does energy come from and what do we use it for? Can we become more energy efficient? Let's try to answer these and many other questions in our case-lesson.
15 USD
It is hard to imagine a modern man without a smartphone. This gadget evolves so quickly and absorbs a lot of new scientific and technological ideas, acquiring opportunities and features. That is why the smartphone is our indispensable assistant and "friend". Would you like to understand your "friend" better and to know what technologies are behind its features? So, let's have a look inside the gadget!
15 USD
What do you know about a snowflake? Is it a small piece of snow that falls from the sky or a small "ice beauty" that nature has created? And, do you know about the so called "Koch snowflake"? This case-lesson will help you to form a holistic view about this unique phenomenon.
15 USD
"Oil war" is happening for decades. What is the reason for it and meaning? What are the possible scenarios? Could there be a winner? Can humanity lose perfect future because of these wars? Is it possible to prevent it? In addition, how? This case-lesson will arm you with the latest knowledge and information for understanding all oil processes, adequate assessment of its value and prospects of using.
15 USD
Sometimes it seems that the modern world, with its scientific achievements, descended from the pages of a fantastic book. After all, those technologies that were considered improbable or impossible, now becoming real, or even commonplace. And genetic engineering, research in biotechnology, genetics, biochemistry are a vivid example of such breakthroughs. That is why the need to learn critical thinking.
We’ve got the sand and the sun And the water, too We’re gonna build the best sandcastle... What else can we make from sand? What is sand used for? And when does sand sing? These and a lot of other questions to be answered during this exciting case-lesson!
15 USD
This case-lesson will help answer these questions. It will allow you to immerse yourself in the secrets of the underwater world! Let's take a guided tour together with the Mermaid!
Do you know that there are about 5,000 different species of ladybugs in the world! They come in many colors and patterns, although the most familiar is the ladybug with a shiny, red-and-black body. There is a common belief that ladybugs give good luck. So, let's get some luck and some interesting knowledge about these pretty and wonderful beetles!
15 USD
Many people are afraid of spiders. They seem to be scary and ugly. But, are spiders really terrible? Not at all! In fact, they are extremely interesting! Do you know that spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica? How many species of spider can be found on our planet? Let's discover a lot of exciting knowledge about spiders in our case-lesson.
What are black holes? How big are black holes? How do black holes form? Could a black hole destroy our planet? Let's try to find answers for all these and many other questions about this mysterious phenomenon in our case-lesson.
More and more people purchase goods using the Internet. A lot of new payment systems emerged in order to make the Internet commerce and transactions easy, convenient and safe. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency and a payment system that works without a central bank or administration. But, how does it work? What are ups and downs of the cryptocurrency? Let's answer these questions in our case-lesson "Bitcoin" and find a lot of interesting and useful information about the digital payment systems.
Case-based courses are an integrated tool that helps me to set and track goals, learn unique content at student's own pace and complete deeper learning projects. Case-based courses are unique with exclusive texts and visualization. Thank you for this brilliant chance!
Teaching should be a prestigious career. Those who use cases have more chances to make a career in education.
Case-based courses are the best option for us in our schools and for our students who want to get up-to-date knowledge easily and effectively. It's very important that they consist of exclusive and helpful information. There are many topics – we have found what we really need!
Real-life maths has been transformed by computer-based calculation; now mainstream maths education needs this fundamental change too. Case-courses help it!
I share evidence and practitioner-based learning strategies that empower me to improve my skills.
Cases provide an opportunity for children's and even teacher's development. The fact is that such case-based studying is our future.
Within the framework of the Natural Sciences we conducted the case avout soap. Teachers and students did not only discover the secrets of ordinary soap but also acquired important knowledge of school curricula (and not only) such as chemistry, biology, natural science, astronomy, life safety, technology, ecology, history, futurology, art and business, and received many necessary competencies such as positive thinking, teamwork, self-control, caring for quality etc.
Thanks to all the authors, developers and all who are involved in the process of cases feveloping. I've never had such pleasure in my life from studying! I am delighted!
Within the framework of the Natural Sciences we conducted the case avout soap. Teachers and students did not only discover the secrets of ordinary soap but also acquired important knowledge of school curricula (and not only) such as chemistry, biology, natural science, astronomy, life safety, technology, ecology, history, futurology, art and business, and received many necessary competencies such as positive thinking, teamwork, self-control, caring for quality etc.
These incredible lessons allow to see at education with a completely new look.
7W Case-lessons have a US Copyright Certification of Registration.
7W Education Platform is a member of American Chamber of Commerce
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Сase based courses and case-lessons use the unique methodology that allows students to study interdisciplinary educational material together with simultaneous practice of such competencies as communication, teamwork, planning and organizing, creativity, accountability, continuous learning, technological awareness.
he 7W® case-lessons are designed to make your learning fun, easy and enjoyable. The case-lessons contain a lot of interesting information about phenomena, people and events, which are studied through different school subjects. The case-lessons will help to understand the school material better, choose examples or topics for projects, abstracts, independent works. And, of course, they will help learn better and get excellent marks!
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